Richard Carter de Treville :( Medicine frustrates me so much.
Experts claim serious side effects of flu shots amount to about one in a million - well this is what that one in a million looks like. This has freaked me out enough to bypass flu shots in the future. But what do I know - to each their own. ...
Patrick Hays
obama's america
5 hours ago
Richard Carter de Treville
rarely, yes.
5 hours ago
Miguel Alvarez
That can't be real...can it?
5 hours ago
Kelly T
it's not caused by the vaccine though. that's the thing with american's. we hear shit like this and people are like OMG... vaccines are terrible!! but she had a pre-existing condition which couldn't have been known unless her genome was sequenced... and even then... this still could have been triggered because who could have possibly known that the vaccine would be the trigger and not some other environmental factor.
5 hours ago
Richard Carter de Treville
yeah, the media seems not to mention this. I just wish we could jump 100 years into the future, because so many things that seem so basic we aren't even able to hardly grapple with or explain.
4 hours ago
Eric Zelna
I only get the vaccines that are legally required of me. Ask your doctor if he got the flu shot, most don't.
Thimerosal is an ingredient in the flu shot and in most vaccines. It contains tremendous amounts of mercury and it's toxicity is relatively unknown. There are many websites denoting it's potentially dangerous effects, and even the fda recognizes the potential risk:
Thimerosal is an ingredient in the flu shot and in most vaccines. It contains tremendous amounts of mercury and it's toxicity is relatively unknown. There are many websites denoting it's potentially dangerous effects, and even the fda recognizes the potential risk:
3 hours ago · Delete
James Hicks
fun fact: anyone who says vaccines or thiomersal cause autism doesn't know anything about vaccines or autism
2 hours ago
Eric Zelna
Who says that?
2 hours ago · Delete
James Hicks
i was skimming but you dont know anything about vaccines so you should probably not post about them any more
2 hours ago
Eric Bridge
About 1 in 8,000 people die in a car crash each year, yet we all continue to drive our cars daily. There's a risk to everything we do.
2 hours ago
Eric Zelna
Relax James. My comment consisted of the following facts: The flu shot contains Thimerosal. Thimerosal contains Mercury. I don't get the flu shot. Many doctors don't get the flu shot. Do you really contest any of those statements?
Feel free to refer to the very moderate concerns presented by the FDA, or you could continue with your strategy of ... Read Morestraw man and ad hominem fallacies. Contrary to your comment, I enthusiastically encourage you to present any contrary evidence you might have, as I would very much prefer to live in a world where flu shots and other voluntary immunizations are safe and useful.
Feel free to refer to the very moderate concerns presented by the FDA, or you could continue with your strategy of ... Read Morestraw man and ad hominem fallacies. Contrary to your comment, I enthusiastically encourage you to present any contrary evidence you might have, as I would very much prefer to live in a world where flu shots and other voluntary immunizations are safe and useful.
about an hour ago · Delete
Eric Zelna
That's a very good point Eric, driving a car is the single most dangerous thing (statistically) that anyone in our (20-30) age group does. Despite that, I still take all precautions I can in other aspects of my life, and I would encourage you to as well.
about an hour ago · Delete
James Hicks
Oral LD50 for ethylmercury is 40mg/kg. your own link says the most you'll get from a vaccine is 25... Read Moreµg. if you weighed 2 pounds, you'd need 1600 vaccinations to kill you. and you dont weigh 2 pounds. and most vaccines dont have thiomersal in them. this is in the link you gave me
you also don't understand how medical research works. fda isn't 'concerned', they're making sure. especially because there are a bunch of crazy people on the internet going on about the dangers of thiomersal. and so far, in every trial, they've found no link between thiomersal and any sort of harm. this is all in the link you just gave me.
you don't know what you're talking about. and since you think the phrase "There are many websites denoting it's potentially dangerous effects" is evidence , you might actually be retarded.
you also don't understand how medical research works. fda isn't 'concerned', they're making sure. especially because there are a bunch of crazy people on the internet going on about the dangers of thiomersal. and so far, in every trial, they've found no link between thiomersal and any sort of harm. this is all in the link you just gave me.
you don't know what you're talking about. and since you think the phrase "There are many websites denoting it's potentially dangerous effects" is evidence , you might actually be retarded.
about an hour ago
Donnie G. Plungis
lol j hicks.
anyway, i've gone 24 (going on 25 years) without a flu shot so i'm not sure why i would need one now. isn't getting the seasonal flu good for your immune system every once in a while? i know h1n1 is a little bit different but still, nothing wrong with getting sick so long as it isn't fatal.
i remember reading about how vaccines are ... Read Moremass produced for the lowest common denominator of people in the mass public. like any medical procedure or medicine the results aren't 100% or the same for everyone. i love that the video clip is from the insider... bastion of good journalism! (see also criticisms of media sensationalism in regards to public policy)
anyway, i've gone 24 (going on 25 years) without a flu shot so i'm not sure why i would need one now. isn't getting the seasonal flu good for your immune system every once in a while? i know h1n1 is a little bit different but still, nothing wrong with getting sick so long as it isn't fatal.
i remember reading about how vaccines are ... Read Moremass produced for the lowest common denominator of people in the mass public. like any medical procedure or medicine the results aren't 100% or the same for everyone. i love that the video clip is from the insider... bastion of good journalism! (see also criticisms of media sensationalism in regards to public policy)
about an hour ago
Eric Zelna
Thank you for your insightful post, James. I am very impressed that you looked up the LD50 for ethylmercury, but unfortunately it's relevance is limited here as not even someone as uneducated as myself thinks the flu shot is going to KILL you. I simply believe it to be unhealthy, unecessary, and ineffective. The last being the point I expect you to... Read More point out that I can't prove, and you're absolutely right. Of all of the studies I reviewed (granted, this was 3 years ago and there may be newer information available) I found that the only studies to find the flu shot to be significantly effective were those administered by the drug companies producing the flu shot. Obviously this isn't proof of anything, it is always possible that the independently funded studies were corrupted by some alterior motive.
As for your point that "the FDA isn't concerned", I absolutely agree. Perhaps when I said, "moderate concerns presented by the FDA", I was not clear enough. I will explain it more simply so as not to be misconstrued any futher: The FDA presented some concerns. They were very moderate.
You're also absolutely right on another point as well, I don't know what I'm talking about. I have never personally conducted a clinical trial evaluating the effectiveness of the flu shot. The only direct experience I have with the topic is anecdotal at best. I would encourage everyone reading these words to not take my advice, and instead research the topic yourself, as well as talk to your physician before making any medical decisions. It's your life, and unless reincarnation is real, you only get one!
As for your point that "the FDA isn't concerned", I absolutely agree. Perhaps when I said, "moderate concerns presented by the FDA", I was not clear enough. I will explain it more simply so as not to be misconstrued any futher: The FDA presented some concerns. They were very moderate.
You're also absolutely right on another point as well, I don't know what I'm talking about. I have never personally conducted a clinical trial evaluating the effectiveness of the flu shot. The only direct experience I have with the topic is anecdotal at best. I would encourage everyone reading these words to not take my advice, and instead research the topic yourself, as well as talk to your physician before making any medical decisions. It's your life, and unless reincarnation is real, you only get one!
58 minutes ago · Delete
James Hicks
the idea is that ethylmercury damage is dose-dependant. i thought you'd be able to figure that one out on your own. apparently not. i gave you too much credit and i apologize.
it also took me about 45 seconds to find university of michigan discussing the efficacy of influenza viruses in the new england journal of medicine, just one month ago! so maybe you cant figure out google. i dont blame you. a text box and TWO buttons? what are you supposed to do with that?!!?
spoiler alert: the vaccines worked. ... Read More
the fda didn't even say they had concerns. they said it's biologically plausible. lots of things are biologically plausible. its biologically plausible that your brain will rewire itself in a way that actually reads information, processes it, and forms an opinion instead of the other way around. it doesnt seem likely though.
lets look at it this way: i have a degree in microbiology, a degree in biotechnology, and i'm involved in vaccine development. youre a crazy person on the internet.
it also took me about 45 seconds to find university of michigan discussing the efficacy of influenza viruses in the new england journal of medicine, just one month ago! so maybe you cant figure out google. i dont blame you. a text box and TWO buttons? what are you supposed to do with that?!!?
spoiler alert: the vaccines worked. ... Read More
the fda didn't even say they had concerns. they said it's biologically plausible. lots of things are biologically plausible. its biologically plausible that your brain will rewire itself in a way that actually reads information, processes it, and forms an opinion instead of the other way around. it doesnt seem likely though.
lets look at it this way: i have a degree in microbiology, a degree in biotechnology, and i'm involved in vaccine development. youre a crazy person on the internet.
47 minutes ago
Eric Zelna
You're involved in vaccine development? So, what you're saying is, you have a vested interest in the propagation of the belief that vaccines are safe, effective and worthwhile? So much for being an objective source. That kinda ruins all the credibility you'd built up so far by insulting me.
That was a really funny joke you made about my inability to use google, do you have any more?
That was a really funny joke you made about my inability to use google, do you have any more?